Friday, May 20, 2011

Graduation Weekend (Part One)

Early last Friday morning, we began our LONG trip out to Indiana from Virginia for my graduation from Purdue. As usual, we put the kiddos in onesies (they always get so hot in anything else and t-shirts just ride up their backs), turned on the DVD player, and were ready to go. They watched their Elmo DVDs, snacked, and talked a lot (to each other, to themselves, and to us). 

It took us 12 hours, 4 stops, very little sleeping, an hour-long detour on a one lane road through the mountains of West Virginia caused by listening to our GPS even when we knew it was a ridiculous request (see video below), several french fries for the kids, and several caffeinated beverages for me and Wes.

We finally made it to Lafayette and made our way up to the hotel room where my mom (GG) was patiently awaiting our arrival.
Bedtime was a nightmare, but everyone eventually fell asleep. Stay tuned for part two...

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