Monday, May 9, 2011

The Twins are TWO!!

Today, Vivi and Gavin turn 2 years old. Where has the time gone?

(Here they are this morning playing with their birthday puzzle)

To celebrate, we thought that we would give an update of their favorite things as of right now (because as we all know, they change all of the time). I think it's important to note that we are choosing each of these things because of their reaction to them or because of how often they use or say these things, not because they have directly told us that something is their favorite (they're not that advanced yet).

Favorite color: purple
Favorite food: cheese
Favorite toy: Elmo
Favorite activity: play with letters or books by herself
Favorite clothing: her striped hooded fleece or striped poncho
Favorite tv show: Yo Gabba Gabba or Sesame Street

Favorite color: green
Favorite food: cheese
Favorite toy: vacuum
Favorite activity: going outside
Favorite clothing: no clothes; he would rather be in the nude
Favorite tv show: Dora the Explorer or Fresh Beat Band

Gavin and Vivian are very active and talkative these days. Here are a few more things that they like doing.

Gavin really enjoys taking things to the trash. He will pick something up and say, "frash? frash?" and then he absolutely has to take it to the trash. Gavin also enjoys destroying things taking things apart. He will pick at or examine something until he figures out how it goes together and then poof! it's dismantled. He tries to put it back together, but he usually ends up bring us the pieces while saying, "help? help?" (Gavin also likes to use rising intonation at the end of his words.) Another common game that Gavin plays is to throw everything on the deck over the railing and watch it fall to the ground. He LOVES this. Other favorite words and phrases said by Mr. G lately include: "All mine!" "Side" (meaning outside) "Vivi!" "Why??" "bite" "Snack Snack" and "Fry-fry" (French Fry).

Lately, Vivian loves to sit and play with these square, cardboard letter cards. She LOVES them. We'll sit together, I'll say a letter, and then Vivi will try to repeat the letter. It's adorable. Vivi also enjoys wrapping up Elmo or one of her other baby dolls, patting it on the back, feeding it a bottle, putting a paci in it's mouth, and shh-ing it to sleep. Actually, Gavin really likes to do this too. Vivian enjoys copying dance moves. For instance, she's really good at the Monkey See Monkey Do dance (on Nick Jr.) and she will ask for "more, more" when it's over. Favorite words and phrases said by Miss Vivian lately include: "Mine!" "No no" "Cookie" "bite" "Two!!!!" "Mo-mo" (meaning Elmo) "Wawa" (for waffle) and saying bye-bye to us with our names ("Bye-bye Mama" or "Bye-bye Dada").

As of the last week, both Gavin and Vivian have throughly enjoyed screaming at the top of their lungs and then giggling about it. They do it at home a lot, but they have also done it at the store and in restaurants (sorry Auntie Bird). The problem is that if anyone laughs at it, they continue. And, it ridiculously hilarious. So, it's hard not to laugh. Unfortunately, this love for screaming during happy times has spilled over into unhappy times as well. Now, if they're upset about something, they don't just cry or whine, they SCREAM in a VERY high-pitched tone.


1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

Happy Birthday, Vivi and Gav!!! I can't believe they are two--just crazy. I love hearing about what they are into as well. Katelynn is looooves Yo Gabba Gabba, particularly the one with the baby theme (which she calls "baby show"). We could never get good reception on Sesame street but she knows who Elmos is and calls him "Melmo." love it. love your kids. love you.