Sunday, May 22, 2011

Graduation Weekend (Part Three)

We started off our Sunday morning, as I said in the last post, tired and cranky. But the kiddos eventually perked up and Wes and I decided that they needed to get out of the hotel room. So, we took them to Target, but not before running up and down the halls a few times.

After a mid-day nap, we (me, Wes, my mom, Sarah, and the kids) all went to Chuck E. Cheese. My friends from Purdue, Heather, met us there. They absolutely LOVE this place.

And here's Vivi trying to get close to Chuck E. Cheese. She really wanted to touch/hug him, but was also very cautious. Gavin, on the other hand, just dove right in- grabbing his nose and teeth.
 Finally, it was time to turn in our tickets.

Sunday ended with some subs in our hotel room and a drive around the block to put the kiddos to sleep. The next morning, we packed up the car and drove back to Virginia. Luckily, it only took us 11 hours to get back home and we made it back before sunset!

Overall it was a good weekend, but we won't be doing it again anytime soon.

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