Sunday, May 6, 2012

Car Show with Daddy

Yesterday morning, there was a car show in the town just south of us. Wes really wanted to go and so he took Gavin and left Viv with me for arts and crafts time (i.e. painting and coloring). Although I didn't get any pics, Vivi (who sat at her table or cuddled with me on the couch the entire time they were gone) painted and colored several very beautiful pictures.

This is a pic of Gavin right before they left.

This red truck was Gavin's favorite (according to him). He said he liked it because it was big, red, and was a dump truck (because the bed tilted back). 

Then, it was time to race cars. There was a game where you pull a trigger and it races a little car around an electric track. Gavin was IN LOVE. Once he realized what it was, he BEGGED his daddy to do it and then he was all smiles the entire time. He did 74 laps before Wes was able to pull him away. And because he was so cute, the game attendant gave him a prize at the end (a little blue truck- his favorite).

When he came home, Gavin (and Wes) told me and Vivi all about it. He was very excited. For hours.

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