Sunday, May 20, 2012

False Labor

Dear False Labor,

I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're the scum between my toes!


Let me clarify a little. I have had some serious false labor lately. For instance, several nights ago, I had very uncomfortable contractions every 4 minutes apart for 3.5 hours! They didn't get any stronger or closer together over time and I was able to fall asleep after a hot shower (which is all how I knew it was false labor). Then a couple of days after that, my contractions increased to very uncomfortable every 8-10 minutes. This lasted for most of the day, never increasing in pain or frequency. All. Day. Long.

These are just two of the many false labor experiences I've had since my 35 week mark (I'm currently 37 weeks and 1 day). These examples also do not include all of the uncomfortable, and sometimes painful, contractions I inconsistently have on a daily basis. It's actually quite annoying. Each time it seems like a pattern is forming, I think, "is this it?" and then a few hours later, I answer myself with, "no, no it's not." I just wish that I could either have contractions that led to labor or not have any at all. I had very few during my pregnancy with the twins and so all of this is rather confusing and frustrating.

So yes, I truly hate you, false labor.

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