Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Old Toys, New Favorites

This past weekend, my mom (GG) brought a few of my and my sister's old Fisher Price toys (a house, barn, and airplane) down for the twins. They freaked out and played with them for-ev-er. It's fun to watch them play with toys that we loved as kids.
They are so in love with these "new" toys, that they've played with them just about every second we are in the living room. Gavin's favorites are definitely the tractor, wagon (that attaches to the tractor), and the "farmer guy." Vivian's favorites are the house (and all of it's contents) and the doggie.


Beth Woodruff Kane said...

Jennie - Hi old friend! I've been reading your blog for months and haven't commented until now, but I just can't stand it any longer. CONGRATULATIONS! Not only on your new addition, but on having two of the cutest 3-year-olds :) Such a sweet family!

Elizabeth and Mark said...

I love these pics--I of course had them same toys :-) Your mom is an AMAZING grandma! I love seeing all of the fun activities she comes up with for the kiddos. You can definitely see where you get your mommy talents from, Jennie! Love ya!