Saturday, May 19, 2012

She's an "Upie"-A-Holic

Miss Vivian is an "upie"-a-holic. She must ask Wes (since I've been on bed rest, she's learned to leave me alone) to pick her up by asking for an "upie" at least 3-5 times a day. She either wants Wes to hold her (on his front) and carry her around or (as she is in the pictures) she wants to hold onto his neck, stick her feet into his pants (to secure her place) and "ride" on his back. 

She wants to be "upied" a lot with Wes, especially if she knows he's about to do something (like vacuum). She looks at it as an opportunity to go for a ride.

Funny story: we recently told her that the new baby was going to need to be "upied" a lot and that she may not be "upied" as much anymore when baby #3 arrives. Shockingly (we've talked about several changes that will occur with the new baby with no real reaction from the twins), this sent her into a crying fit like no other. Needless to say, we haven't brought it up again.
She's such a cute little "upie"-a-holic.

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