Friday, September 21, 2012

Paxton is 4 Months Old

Today, our little Paxton is FOUR months old. Unlike with the twins (it felt like the first 6 months with G & V dragged on for-ev-er!), the last four months have really flown by. 

What have we learned about our little nugget? Well, he's a relatively predictable, easy-going, happy kid. He likes going on walks, riding in his car walker, jumping in his doorway jumper, and interacting with people. He's very responsive and demands attention (by meowing like a cat) if you look away from him. He also likes to be held and carried from room to room. He doesn't cry very often (it's actually kind of weird), and so far, he only mildly likes pacifiers and he would much rather nurse than drink from a bottle. Paxton eats (either a "full meal" or just a snack) between 5 and 7 times in a 24 hour period and he sleeps in his crib or in his swing for daytime naps and with us (me and Wes) at night. He has two favorite toys: a soft elephant rattle and a light-up star that blinks different colors when it's shaken. He smiles and giggles at all four of us, but especially at Wes when he tickles him. We don't know how much he weighs (his 4-month check up is next week), but we'll keep you posted.

I really wanted to figure out some creative photo shoot idea with all kinds of adorable photo props and a cute outfit to celebrate his 4 month birthday, but he's so damn handsome and I'm so damn lazy that I figured a simple photo shoot at the park would suffice. Below are my favorite pics from his 4 month photo shoot!

 Happy four month birthday, Pax! You really are the best baby ever!

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