Tuesday, September 25, 2012

She's a Gymnast

Vivian is a gymnast. Or at least she thinks she is. Several times a day (probably between 20 and 40), Vivian is asking us to look at her ability to do something. Sometimes, it's something small like balancing on one leg and sometimes it's a bit more serious, like getting Wes to flip her in the air. As long as it's something a gymnast would do, she's interested. She loves flipping, jumping, balancing, running, leaping, and rolling. And she especially loves to have other people watch her do it.

In these videos, Vivian is showing me how she can do a summersalt. She's been able to do it for some time now, but she had been practicing a lot on this particular day.

Unfortunately, Mr. Gavin is not as talented as Vivian in the acrobatic department. But, he tries; sort of because he wants to know how to do it, but mostly because Vivian is getting attention for doing it.

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