Saturday, September 8, 2012

Baby Feeding

I took this video earlier this summer and totally forgot to post it. Let me explain what's going on here. When Paxton was born, Vivian became totally amazed and interested in the entire breast feeding process. She wanted to watch, help, and copy. She would constantly asked if she could "hook him on" or if she could "squeeze a boobie" for me.

After just a few days of watching and learning, Vivian started pretending to nurse her own babies. At one point, she even pulled her tank top down on one side and nursed... get ready... her teeny tiny Fisher Price person (see photo on the left). While one of her babies is nursing, she will periodically ask him or her, "You done yet?" And, she almost always burps the baby when switching from one side to nurse on the other side.

Gavin has periodically attempted to copy Vivi and feed one of his babies, too, but he doesn't always know exactly what to do. Vivian has carefully watched me for months and she is fully aware of everything that goes into keeping a new baby fed and happy.

In this video, I came into the playroom to find Vivian nursing her glow worm. I quickly and quietly set up the video camera and tried to act as if I hadn't done anything (so as not to disturb her very serious pretend play). Also in this video, Gavin is trying to copy Vivian and feed his glow worm.

A few funny things to look out for:
  • Vivian pulling her arm out of the top of her dress to nurse.
  • Gavin struggling to take his arm out; so he just takes his entire shirt off.
  • Vivian asking her baby if she is done.
  • Vivian burping her baby.
  • Vivian asking her baby if she wants more.
  • Vivian switching sides. And then switching sides again.
  • Vivian taking this whole thing very, very seriously.


The Bluvas Blog said...

hilarious! Katelynn is very curious too and often nurses random "babies" but never as detailed as to burp and switch sides. She has a lot of questions about pumping lately, including "why doesn't his teacher just nurse him?" now that he goes to her preschool two mornings a week. i don't know how or when but we've just got to get these kids together!

ashley.and.graham said...


made me little teary eyed b/c E was exactly the same way last year when L was born. watching this made me realize how much older she is and acts now.

they are adorable!