Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August Facebook Posts

August 1
Vivi said this was her "first story."

August 2
Pax loves the front porch because of all the "white noise" from the passing cars. Gavin and Vivian love the front porch because they like to identify the colors of the passing cars. And Mommy loves the front porch because of the quiet she experiences from all three of her kiddos being entertained.

I guess living on Main Street has it's perks.

August 6
We've been on vacation since Saturday and have already broken two lamps and a candle holder. Guess we won't be coming back to this rental next year :-/

August 9
After yelling off the back porch this morning and hearing his voice echo, Gav said, "I hear my voice!"

Me: "Yes, Gavin. Everyone hears your voice. Can you try to be quiet?"
Gavin: (after yelling again) "Did you hear that? Do the trees have my voice or my mouth?"
Me: "What?"
Gavin: "The trees have my voice! Listen! They have it! Tell those trees to put my voice back in my mouth!"

August 10
You know that kid who runs around like a crazy person in public? The one who's parents try to threaten him with time outs only to be completely ignored? The one who's super cute, but also super annoying at the same time? The one who goes up to complete strangers on the beach and takes their toys without saying anything to them? And the one who climbs onto arcade games so that he can get closer and win?

Yeah, that's our kid. And his name is Gavin.

August 12
This just in: the two's were not that terrible. It's the three's you have to worry about.

I can't even believe that it can get this insane.

August 14
Elmo needs his butt wiped, too.


August 14
Me: "What do you think Aunt Stephie should name her baby if it's a boy?"
Vivi: "I think GIRL. She should name it GIRL."
Me: "So if she has a boy, you think she should name it girl?"
Vivi: "I think it should be a girl and name it girl."
Me: "Vivian, that's silly. If Aunt Stephie has a girl, what should she name it?"
Vivi: "Ummm... sticker. Dat a good name."
Me: "Gavin, what do you think?"
Gavin: "I think... she should have two babies. One for me and one for Vivian. Den I have the boy and Viv have the girl."

I love how he thinks you're going to give him your baby.

August 15
Vivi: "Gavin, how your day?"
Gavin: "Good."
Vivi: "Ask how my day."
Gavin: "No."
Vivi: "Ask me! Now!"
Gavin: "I don't wanna know how your day."

Well then.

August 16
Another reason why I need to work harder when choosing my words around the kids...

Last night, Vivian told Gavin, "Git yo ass in time out!"

August 19
Gavin: (looking out the window at our driveway) "Mom! The Firebird is out! It not in the driveway anymore! Someone moved it!"
Me: "Gavin, how did you remember the name of that car?"
Gavin: "It's the orange one."
Me: "Yeah, but ho did you know the name?"
Gavin: "My daddy told me. Daddy tells me stuff all da time. We were in da garage together and he tell me about it."
Me: "Well that's nice."
Gavin: "Yeah, I very wuve (love) it when Daddy tell me stuff. I very wuve him."

Not really funny (like most of my posts about Gavin), but very sweet. And I wanted a write it down to remember it. Love that kid.

August 23
Viv: (pointing at the spilled milk on the table) "Gavin, look what you did!"
Gavin: (laughing) "Yeah."
Viv: "Look at my face. I not laughing. Clean it up!"

August 23
Are we already threatening the twins with cancellations of Christmas? Yes, yes we are.

August 25
Wes: "Gavin, if you're going to wear underwear, you can't put your hands in your pants all day. Believe me, I get the appeal, but you just can't do it."

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