Sunday, September 30, 2012

September Facebook Posts

September 2
Me: "Gavin, you're a big boy now. You're going to wear undies."
Gavin: "I don't want to be a big boy! I want a diaper!"
Me: "Why?"Gavin: "Because den I don't have to get up every five seconds."

He's totally right. It can be quite annoying at times.

September 3
As I'm walking into their room this morning.
Me: "Why don't you guys ever snuggle together?"
Gavin: "I do!"Vivian: "Yuck! I don't like him!"
Me: "Vivian, that's not very nice."
Vivian: "I don't wanna snuggle! He stinks in da morning!"


September 5
As he was searching through his underwear drawer this morning, Gavin saw a pair of red undies with white stripes. He immediately yelled, "These undies are like Uncle Tony's shirt from da beach. I wanna look like Uncle Tony today. I gonna wear these."

September 9
Me: "Gavin, how did you get in the kitchen?"
Gavin: "Um... I dunno."
Me: "Was the gate or the door open?"
Gavin: "No."
Me: "Then how did you get in?"
Gavin: "I climbed over the gate."
Me: "What? I didn't know you could do that?"
Gavin: "I do it a lot. So Daddy can't find me."
Me: "Oh. Can you get back out?"
Gavin: "Yep. Den, you never knowed I was in."

September 12
Gavin: "Mom! I have to poop!"
Me: "Okay, let's run to the potty!"Gavin: (once we get to the bathroom) "I want to stand."Me: "You can't stand to poop."Gavin: "But I stand to pee! I want to stand to poop, too."

Me: "Gavin, you just can't. Now sit down before you poop yourself."Gavin: "Why?"Me: "Please Gavin, just sit!"

Gavin: "Why?"Me: "Because you can't stand up and poop."
Gavin: "I think I can. Can I try?"

I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do with this kid.

September 15
Wes: "If you're not good, I'll tell Aunt Brandy and Aunt Stephie to not come over."

V: "Don't say that bull shit, Dad!" 

September 17
V: " I don't like all these boys."
Me: "Don't worry. Aunt Brandy has a girl and she'll be big enough to play with soon. And Aunt Stephie will probably have another baby and it might be a girl."
V: "I gonna have a girl."
Me: "Oh really? When?"
V: "In 20 minutes. When I done with lunch."

If only it were that easy.

September 29
The amount of crying in this house this morning is absolutely unbelievable. and none of it has come from the 4-month-old.

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